jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Mathew McConaughey is becoming one of the best considered actors in Hollywood nowadays.  His renaissance comes from films like Killer Joe, Magic Mike, Mud and even the True detective series. In fact, a new word has emerged to refer to his recent career: “McConnaissance”.  

Yesterday I saw   Matthew Mc Conaughey´s last film, entitled Dallas buyers club, which made him earn an Oscar as best actor.

The film was directed by Jean-Marc Vallée in 2013. It´s based on the real story of Ron Woodroof.   A time reference at the beginning of the film is Rod Hudson´s death, so the action takes place in the 80s.  In order to perform this character he had to lose 40 pounds, because he plays the role of a homophobe man from Texas who was diagnosed with AIDS. 

 Ron tries to find an alternative therapy instead of the AZT medicine used at that time, what involves an explicit critic of the thriving pharmaceutical industry. Not only have the pharmaceutical people a mafia behavior, but also the governmental D.E.A – Drugs Enforcement Administration – members. 

All of this is shown in an aseptic way: there isn´t almost music soundtrack, the film´s rhythm is quite slow; it´s parallel to the character´s development. Mc Conaughey convinces by far as the prejudiced redneck who finally becomes aware of what AIDS implies.

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