miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014


Our current education system is based on a method developed over the 18 th century. That system seems to have reached its end, because it seems to reward those who reproduce better a memorised content. For instance, what is the point in remembering the Gothic Kings list?

One possible solution is that grades should be replaced by feedback and a real continuos assesment instead of just acquiring a qualification at the end of the course, since grades come from an archaic model. Although it is true that grades are used by teachers to categorize students´ knowledge Therefore, this solution could be criticised because it is necessary to know how good or bad stuents´ learning is. Another possible solution could be to encourage students to think by themselves, as each student learns in a different way, that is teachers must support students in discovering what they enjoy and are good  at, and what want to be to earn a living.

Probably, both solutions could be possible, but teachers must encourage and support young people in responding to their different needs; ans instead of learning a list, how about carrying out a research project into the Goth daily life? we need to move towards a new approach which motivates passion, iniciative and creativity and it is not behind de times.

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